St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

Friends of St. Philip’s (FOSP)

Who We Are

Friends of St Philip’s are a group of parents who meet regularly to plan events and activities. The main purpose of the group is to have fun and meet other Parents while raising money for our children and the school.

What can you do?

The level of involvement that you have is up to you and your personal circumstances.

You could:

  • Attend events or help organise and run them
  • Take part in activities
  • Attend planning meetings 
  • Buy and sell tickets
  • Spread the word to friends, family and neighbours about our events
  • Provide gifts, prizes, or other services personally through your work.

Imagine how great it would be if we could get everyone to join in.

So, if you can bake a cake, buy a cake, lend a hand, get your company to match funds, donate a raffle prize, donate an hour of your time, buy a raffle ticket, man a stall, sponsor your child – then we need you!

All contributions help, big or small. 

If you would like to get involved please email