School Uniform
Please see above the images of what is required of uniform in the school colours. We do not insist on you purchasing clothing with the school logo on, it is entirely up to you but if you do want a logo on them it is available either on line from or at the following outlet in Morley. There is a small store in the White Rose Centre where if you take a plain top to them, they will sew our log on for a small fee.
Uniform can be purchased from:
The Uniform Centre
114-118 Queen Street
Leeds, LS27 9EB
Tel 0113 2521463
Sky blue shirt to wear with a tie or sky blue polo shirt if not wearing a tie
Grey (not black) tailored school trousers (not leggings or joggers) or grey skirt or pinafore dress
Burgundy cardigan or sweatshirt (not red)
Grey tights/socks or white socks. (no multi-colours or stripes)
Summer uniform is a red gingham checked dress. Grey (not black) tailored school shorts (not sports shorts or cycling shorts) are also permitted for the Summer term and up to October half term. This can be worn during the Summer term after returning from the Easter holidays and up to October half term.Plain black shoes/trainers. (shoes must not have any colour/white symbols. i.e. no white Nike ticks. Black ticks would be acceptable)
Sky blue shirt to wear with a tie or sky blue polo shirt if not wearing a tie
Grey (not black) tailored school trousers (not joggers)
Burgundy cardigan or sweatshirt (not red)
Grey socks or white socks. (no multi-colours or stripes)
Plain black shoes/trainers. (shoes must not have any colour/white symbols. Ie no white Nike ticks. Black ticks would be acceptable)
Grey (not black) tailored school shorts (not sports shorts or cycling shorts) are permitted for the Summer term and up to October half term.
Long hair must be tied back at all times to avoid head lice and for safety reasons. Small hair clips, headbands (in one of the school uniform colours) may be worn. Large, excessive fashion hair accessories should not be worn, such as large bows or headbands with ears as examples. If worn the child will be asked to remove them and they will be returned at the end of the school day.
If a hijab is to be worn, by a Muslim child, it should be in one of the school uniform colours.
Earrings must be a small stud or sleeper, removed on PE days. No other jewellery is permitted for school.
Make up – is not allowed. Pupils wearing make-up will be required to remove it or, if appropriate, sent home to remove it.
No nail varnish may be worn. False nails and extensions are not permitted.
Ties, book bags and PE bags are available from school. These must be purchased on Teachers 2 Parents using the 'Shop' tab across the top and will be given to your child to bring home.
School ties are £4.50 for elastic or £5.00 for full length
Book bag / PE bag £6.00 each. We ask that you do not buy the satchel type bookbags with a long strap because they do not fit into the class trays where they are stored.
P.E Kit
Plain white t-shirt (no brand names or logos)
Plain black/navy blue shorts (not cycling shorts) Girls are permitted to wear cycling shorts underneath a loose fitting pair but not on their own.
Plain, navy blue or black hoodie or sweatshirt and plain navy or black leggings or tracksuit bottoms for outdoor PE in poor or colder weather.
Year 4 Swimming Kit
- Girls – one piece plain, dark coloured swimming costume and towel.
Boys – plain swimming trunks (not Bermuda shorts) and towel.
Extreme hairstyles are discouraged
Your child is encouraged to have a responsible attitude to all equipment used in school, respecting their own and other people’s possessions.