St Philips Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 3SL

0113 2716763

St Philip's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

"In the light of Christ, where everyone is valued and learning is celebrated"

Welcome to Year 4's Class Page!


Come and see what we have been getting up to this year.

30.01.25 - Continuous Line Drawing

Miss Richardson from Reception came and taught our Year 4's a very special art lesson where we focused on continuous line drawing. This was where the children could not take their pen off the paper and continue to make lines and patterns with one pen motion. The children had a range of items in front of them to draw and use as inspiration and each child drew 4 different pictures of these items. For the first one they only had 30 seconds, the second they had 1 minute, the 3rd they had 5 minutes and the last one they had 10 minutes to do their continuous line drawing. There were some incredible pieces of art!

23.01.25 - Ukuleles

We have seen so much progress in the children's ukulele lessons these past few months and we can't wait to keep practising!

14.01.25 - Using an Atlas

In geography, we continued our topic of 'Natural Disasters' and today we looked at how tectonic plates move. We began by looking at the super continent Pangaea and describing how our world has gone from one large continent 225 million years ago, to now where we have 7 separate continents. We looked at how the tectonic plates have caused these continents to move apart and we discovered that it was the heat coming from the middle of the Earth that makes the tectonic plates move very slowly (only a few centimetres per year).

Each child had a picture of all the tectonic plates on the world map and the direction that they move in. The children worked in pairs and used an atlas to find out what ocean or country was sat on top of each tectonic plate to help describe it's movement. The children did a fantastic job at using an atlas and showed great team work and perseverance.

07.01.25 - What is Inside the Earth?

To begin our new geography topic of 'Natural Disasters', our first lesson was all about what is inside the Earth. We looked at four, different theories of what people used to think was inside the Earth and the children discussed and debated about which one they thought was the most believable. We learned about the theories from the Ancient Greeks, Buddhists, Early Christians and Early Scientists. After, we looked at what was actually inside the Earth and learned about the four layers: crust, mantle, outer core and inner core.

20.12.24 - Ancient Egypt Sleepover

In guided reading, we have been reading the book 'Ancient Egypt Sleepover' by Stephen Davies. This book is about a group of children who win a sleepover at an Ancient Egyptian Museum and they get to wear their pyjamas, drink hot chocolate, eat snacks and play Egyptian games. We have absolutely loved reading this book as a class, so, on the last day before we broke up for the Christmas holidays, we had our own Ancient Egypt Sleepover!

We came in our pyjamas, brought teddies and blankets, drank hot chocolate, ate popcorn and watched a Christmas film that we voted on as a class (we ended up watching Home Alone). It was such a fun last day filled with lots of laughs.

We hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing Christmas spent with your loved ones and we will see you in the new year!

11.12.24 - Budgeting 

After making our basic biscuit recipe in DT, the children worked in groups to adapt that biscuit recipe and add 3 more ingredients. They had to think outside the box and be creative to make a new biscuit that was unique but would also still taste delicious. After deciding what 3 additional ingredients they were going to add, they then worked together to come up with a name and design for their biscuit, as well as creating packaging that the biscuit could be sold in. The last step was to make sure that the three ingredients they chose would fit into their budget of £2. They had to decide how much of each ingredient they would add and include it to their running total. 

They all worked really smartly to ensure the cost of their biscuit was low so they had money spare just in case of anything going wrong. 

04.12.24 - RHE

The children have been really engaged and are enjoying our RHE topic 'Created and Loved by God' this half term.

For the last few days we have been looking at 'The Story of Jairus' and today we focused on Jairus' daughter. We put ourselves in Jairus' daughter's shoes and thought about her feelings and thoughts throughout the story. We then talked about how Jairus' daughter was loved, not only by her father (Jairus), but also by Jesus. We talked about ways that Jesus showed love for Jairus' daughter. Then, we gathered ideas about ways we are loved, ways that we love others and ways that we try to make a difference in the world, to show love to others and the world around us.

03.12.24 - Christmas Fayre

All of our decorated biscuits looked amazing all packaged up on our Year 3 and Year 4 shared stall at the Christmas Fayre. All the hard work definitely payed off as they looked and tasted delicious!

Thank you to those of you who came and visited our stand, as well as those who purchased one of our decorated biscuits.

Also, a massive thank you to all the school councillors in Year 3 and Year 4 who stayed after school to help me run this stall. They all did an incredible job and were such a huge help! 

28.11.24 - Decorating Biscuits 

This afternoon, we spent time decorating our biscuits that we baked earlier this week, ready to sell at the Christmas Fayre. The children loved being creative with all their different Christmassy biscuit designs.

26.11.24 - Baking

In our Design Technology (DT) lesson today, we followed a recipe to prepare and cook simple biscuits. First of all, we talked about good food hygiene and how to be safe when cooking. We worked in groups to weigh out all our ingredients and follow the steps carefully in the recipe. After making the dough, we rolled and cut it out into a variety of shapes. Next week, we will be discussing how we could adapt this basic biscuit recipe to make it more unique.

Later on this week we'll be decorating our biscuits and you may see them on our stall at the Christmas Fayre! 

22.11.24 - Red Wednesday

Thank you to those of you who came to watch our class worship and assembly, it was lovely to see so many of you.

Our class worship was all about Red Wednesday. which the children really enjoyed learning about. The children were able to reflect on how lucky we were that we can celebrate our faith openly and we prayed for those who are not as lucky as us. As the children were so passionate about this topic, they really enjoyed doing this worship as a class and raising awareness of Red Wednesday with the rest of the school.

22.11.24 - Netball

In PE this half term, we are doing netball. In our lesson today, we focused on different netball passes such as chest pass and shoulder pass. We looked at the technique for these passes and when we might use them (for shorter distances, for longer distances, if someone might be marking you in a game, etc). The children worked in pairs to practise these passes and after we did a little competition to see how many accurate passes they could do with their partner in just 1 minute. 

Next lesson, we will be looking at passing and moving.

15.11.24 - Flamingo Land 

To recap our science topic from last half term (living things and their habitats: classification) and get all the children ready for our new science topic for this half term (animals), we visited Flamingo Land!

In the morning we did was a classification workshop where we talked about vertebrates and invertebrates. We then focused on the 5 groups of vertebrates- mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish. For each of these groups we got to see and touch a variety of different animals and artefacts such as a tenrec, fossilised sea horses, a snake, bird eggs, parrot and flamingo beaks and even a cockroach, which some of the children felt brave enough to hold!

In the afternoon, we had a guided tour around the zoo where we got to see a wide range of different animals in various different habitats. Some of our favourite animals were the giraffes, penguins and definitely the peacocks that were wandering around the zoo. We had such a fun, jam-packed day and we even got the whole zoo to ourselves. What a fantastic day we had!

08.11.24 - Skipping Practice

All of us in Year 4 have been making sure to keep on top of our skipping practice ready for our skipping festival next year. Today, we practised partner skipping and the children displayed amazing teamwork, communication skills and patience while trying to nail this type of skip!

06.11.24 - Trust Activity

Our RE topic this half term is 'Trust in God'. Today, we discussed what trust is and what it means to us. We did an activity based on trust where we had to lead our blindfolded partners around an obstacle course in the playground. We then talked about why trust is important and why we should trust in God.

17.10.24 - KS2 School Disco

We all had so much fun at the school disco today. There were some amazing outfits and lots of sweets eaten!

16.10.24 - Roman Numerals Practice

The children really enjoyed our lesson on Roman Numerals this week, so to test our understanding we played a game of bingo. The children worked in pairs and chose roman numerals to go on their bingo board. We got very competitive and really enjoyed challenging ourselves!

08.10.24 - Storytelling Through Charcoal

We created our final art pieces using charcoal to tell the story of 'Beowulf'. Each table group had a different chapter of the book and they had to represent what happened in that chapter in just one picture. The children had to think really carefully about the most important part of their chapter and how they would then tell that part of the story using one image. All of the children created such wonderful pieces of art that are now displayed in our classroom. We would love for you to see them all next time you are in our year 4 classroom!

03.10.24 - Ukuleles

We are enjoying learning how to play ukuleles in music so far. The children are developing their understanding of how to stay in time with the beat, what the different strings are and have started to learn certain chords. We can't wait to keep improving our ukulele skills throughout the year.

24.09.24 - Charcoal

For the last couple of art lessons we have been experimenting with charcoal, ready to create our final pieces inspired by our text this half term - 'Beowulf'. In this lesson, every child created a charcoal piece to represent a line of a poem we read. This poem was all about nature and the children felt really inspired by it and created some amazing pieces of art.

19.09.24 - The Story of Abraham

This half term our topic in RE is 'The Bible' so we have been looking at different stories and people in the Bible. Today, we looked at The Story of Abraham and the children worked together to retell the story using freeze frames. We also discussed how Abraham persevered and showed faith in God and linked it to our lives and talked about where we have had to preserve or when we have shown faith in God.

18.09.24 - Skipping School

Skipping School came to spend the morning with us and did a training session so the children could prepare for the Year 4 Skipping Festival which will take place next year. The children had so much fun learning all the different types of skips, even the more trickier ones like the pretzel! If you are interested in buying a skipping rope for your child to practise at home, we have loads available to buy in school. We can't wait to keep working on our skipping skills ready for the festival!

06.09.24 - Meet the Teacher 

It was so lovely to meet some of you and go over some of the things we will be doing this year. If you happened to miss the 'Meet the Teacher' evening, I sent a copy of the slides home with each child and I have inserted them below for you as well. I am looking forward to working in partnership with you this year and if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch.