Welcome to Year 2's Class Page!
World Book Day 06.03.25
On Thursday, we dressed up as our favourite book character and celebrated World Book Day! We started our day with the costume parade in the hall where we got to see everyone's fabulous costumes.
This year, our focus text was ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by Lewis Carroll. We started by listening to the story and discussing the parts of the story that we liked and disliked with our friends. We then wrote our own book review. We also worked together with our partner to create our own magic potion, just like the ones we saw in the book!
On Friday afternoon, we went on a very special visit to a local bookshop where we were able to listen to a special story and enjoy some biscuits and juice. We even got to spend our book vouchers and choose our own books to take home. It was so much fun and we can't wait to read our new books!
Preparing for Lent 28.02.25
This week, we had the very special job of leading our school in worship. As it is Ash Wednesday next week, we discussed the importance of Ash Wednesday and Lent and how we can prepare for this special journey. We had some time to reflect on how we can be kinder, more forgiving, more grateful and grow closer to God during this season of Lent.
St. Gemma's Hospice 13.02.25
As part of our R.E topic this half term, we have been working to spread the good news and help others. We have been collecting items this month to donate to St. Gemma's.
On Thursday morning, we visited our local St. Gemma’s Hospice Charity Shop to donate the items that we no longer wanted or needed. We learnt all about how the donations are sorted at the shop and how the money that is raised from the sales is used to help the sick people in the hospice. The staff at St. Gemma’s were very grateful for all of the items that we donated.
Wow Wall 07.02.25
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for fantastic work in English and Maths.
Super Skipping 04.02.25
Today, we had a very special visit from Adele from Skipping School. She came in and told us all about the skipping festival that we will be taking part in July. We were taught lots of different skipping techniques and we were able to practice each one. We had so much fun and we are so excited to take part in the skipping festival in summer!
Wow Wall 24.01.25
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for super work in R.E and Geography.
Pounds and Pence 22.01.25
This half term, we are learning about money in Maths. Today we were counting pounds and pence with our partners. We used the notes and coins to explore all of the ways that we can make different amounts.
Wow Wall 17.01.25
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for fantastic work in English and Maths.
Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter 16.01.25
One of the stories that we have been learning about in R.E is the story of Jairus' Daughter. Today, we worked in groups to create our own comic strips to retell the story. We reflected on the characters feelings and emotions and considered how these changed throughout the story. We thought carefully about using our facial expressions and the speech bubbles to accurately retell the story.
Wow Wall 10.01.25
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for outstanding work in Maths and English!
Marvellous Materials 08.01.25
This week, we have started our new Science topic which is all about materials. We all went on a materials hunt around school to find as many different objects as we could that were made from a variety of different materials. We found objects that are made out of glass, plastic, wood and so many more! We even found some objects that were made from more than one material.
Party Time! 19.12.24
Today, we had so much fun at our Christmas party with all of our friends! We ate some yummy food, danced to our favourite songs and played lots of exciting games!
The Nativity Story 18.12.24
This half term, Key Stage One have been learning all about the Nativity story and have been practising retelling the story. We worked so hard on learning our lines and retelling the story through music and dance. Today, we performed the show to our adults and we had so much fun!
Christmas Jumper Day 13.12.24
We all came to school today in our very special Christmas jumpers to raise money for those less fortunate than us.
A Very Special Visit 11.12.24
Today was a very exciting day at St. Philips! We had an extra special visitor all the way from the North Pole! We all had the opportunity to meet Santa, tell him what we were hoping for for Christmas and he gave us an extra special present too!
Wow Wall 06.12.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for fantastic work in English!
Hope 06.12.24
This week, we had the very special job of leading the whole school in collective worship in our Friday assembly. As it is the first week of Advent, we focused on how we can remain hopeful in these coming weeks so that we are ready to receive Jesus' light on Christmas Day. We have all been busy creating our Advent promises this week which we hope to fulfill during this special time.
Bug Hotels 02.12.24
On Monday, we did a whole day of D.T! We started off thinking about what makes a stable structure. We looked at the height of different structures and how a flat base can make a structure more stable. We then designed our very own bug hotels and worked in pairs to create them using our recycled materials.
Once we had created our masterpieces, we placed them in the woodland area in our school grounds. We will observe these during Science later in the week to see which bugs have visited our hotels!
Wow Wall 29.11.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for excellent work in Science and Maths.
Dribbling 25.11.24
This half term, we have been learning how to dribble a ball using our hands in P.E. We have been thinking about how we can carefully control the ball using a slower speed and careful looking. We have also been learning how to pass the ball to our friends using a chest pass.
Wow Wall 22.11.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for superb work in English and Maths.
Microhabitats 15.11.24
Today we were learning all about microhabitats. We started off by learning what a microhabitat is, what types of microhabitats there are and what type of animals live in these habitats. We then explored our school grounds and observed all of the different microhabitats that are in it.
Thackray Museum 13.11.24
We had a fantastic day at the Thackray Museum, learning all about Florence Nightingale! Our day started with a fun workshop all about Florence’s life. We found out what hospitals were like in her time and how she made them so much better during the Crimean War. We even got to dress up as 'nurses' and 'porters' to help clean the Scutari Hospital! It felt like we had gone back in time as we looked after our very own injured soldier and helped him to get better.
In the afternoon, we explored the rest of the museum. One of our favorite parts was walking down 'Disease Street.' It was really dirty and we could see how diseases spread so quickly back then. It made us realise how important it is to keep things clean and healthy.
Wow Wall 08.11.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for fantastic work in English and Maths.
Mysteries 07.11.24
Our topic in R.E this half term is 'Mysteries'. We started today by reflecting on what a mystery is and thinking about some of the mysteries in our world. We worked in pairs and started by writing a list of questions that are easy to answer. We then wrote down lots of questions that were difficult to answer. We recognised that Heaven is a big mystery as we don’t know what Heaven is like. We listened to some music and reflected on what we think Heaven might be like. We read the poem ‘Heaven’ by Steve Turner and used watercolours to paint our interpretation of what Heaven might look like.
Wow Wall 25.10.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for brilliant work in English and Geography.
Dodging 21.10.24
This half term, we have been learning how to dodge in P.E. We have been thinking about our speed and how we can change directions to dodge each other. Today, we were applying the dodging skills that we have learned by playing some team games with our friends.
Wow Wall 18.10.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for super work in Maths and Science.
Tropical World 18.10.24
We had a great day today at Tropical World to explore our science topic of 'Living Things and their Habitats'.
We started our day by taking part in a habitats workshop. We learned about all of the different types of habitats and the animals that live in them. We discussed how different animals are suited to their habitat and we were even able to explore the habitat woodland. We worked together to look for different plants and animals that live in the woods.
In the afternoon, we explored the different habitats within Tropical World. We noticed that some of the habitats were very hot and we observed how the animals were suited to the hot temperature. Some of our favourite animals were the meerkats and the cotton-top tamarins.
Wow Wall 11.10.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for fantastic work in Maths and R.E.
Djembe Drums 01.10.24
This half term, we have started to learn the Djembe drums. We have learned how to create different sounds using different parts of the drum and how to work together, create a beat and stay in time. Our drumming lesson is one of our favourite parts of the week!
The Holy Rosary 30.09.24
October is the month of the Holy Rosary prayer. Today, we learned about the Holy Rosary prayer and how to use the Rosary beads. We each had time individually with the Rosary beads to have some time to reflect and practise the prayer. Throughout October, we will be completing the Mark 10 Mission 'Rosary Challenge' where we will be praying a decade of the Rosary everyday.
Wow Wall 27.09.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for excellent work in English and R.E.
Greater Than or Less Than? 23.09.24
Today, we have been comparing number using lots of different resources. We worked with our partner to create two different numbers. We then used the greater than, less than and equal signs to compare the two numbers.
Wow Wall 20.09.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for super work in Guided Reading and Science!
Non-chronological Reports 19.09.24
This week, we have been writing our own non-chronological reports all about London. We have been using a range of different key features including headings, subheadings and rhetorical questions. We have also used lots of different conjunctions to make our sentences longer and more interesting.
The Story of Abraham 16.09.24
This half term, we are learning all about the 'Chosen People' in R.E. The first person we have learned about is Abraham. Today, we worked in groups to retell the story of Abraham and perform it to the rest of the class. When we were retelling the story, we thought about what this story tells us about God and how Abraham showed his faith in God.
Wow Wall 13.09.24
Well done to our wow wall superstars this week for fantastic work in English and Geography!
Meet the Teacher 10.09.24
It was lovely to meet so many of you at the Meet the Teacher meeting on Tuesday. I am looking forward to working in partnership with all of you this year. Please see below the slides from the meeting which include all of the information. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us.
United Kingdom 06.09.24
In Geography this half term, we are learning all about the United Kingdom. Today, we started the topic by learning about the four countries in the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We worked with our partners to find the countries and their capital cities in an atlas.
Planting Bulbs 04.09.24
In our Science lesson today, we learned all about bulbs. We started by discussing what a bulb is and how we plant a bulb. We then went into the garden and planted our own daffodil bulbs. We are going to observe our bulbs throughout the year and record the changes as they grow into daffodils. We can't wait to watch them grow!