Pupil Premium
It is the statutory duty of the school, to provided information about how this additional funding is being spent. At St. Philip's, funds have been allocated as follows:
*additional support staff. All classes now have at least one full time teaching assistant and some have more, where particular children need additional help and support. This is the main use of funding.
*increase in specialist, experienced support. These include an experienced teacher of reading to support those children needing more focused help and a mathematics consultant to work directly with children and with their teachers.
*purchase of additional resources to ensure practical, hands on equipment to promote learning.
*support for enrichment activities such as visits out of school and visitors into school.
*additional support in small groups both after school and during the summer at Summer School.
*establishment and running of breakfast and after school care club which are available free of charge to children entitled to free school meals.
Although this additional funding is available for children who have free school meals, parents should be reassured that we always aim to meet the needs of all children and those needing additional support who may not be receiving this entitlement, will get the support they need.
Helping Us! If you feel your child/children may be entitled to free school meals, please speak to Mrs. Kinder who will be able to advise you about applying. There is no stigma attached. Children who have free school meals are treated in exactly the same way as those who pay for meals or have packed lunches. If you are entitled, not only will your child/ren get a free, healthy, wholesome meal each day, s/he or they will bring additional funding into school and that can't be a bad thing!
Thank you for all your support, as always!
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